
samedi 14 novembre 2015

Move of the day: Barbell complex

What it works...

The combination of these compound movement delivers a complex exercise routine that targets a number of different muscle groups in a short period of time. The combination of movements and the fluid nature of the complex means that is also a great way to improve neuromuscular coordination. The duration of the complex also targets other energy systems that may not get a work out during normal weight training routines for a weight-based cardio routine.


Grab an Olympic bar with an overhand grip. Stand upright with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart.

The movement

Move 1: Bent over row
From the starting position bend your knees and flex your hips forward. Pull the bar from the fully extended hanging position to your upper waist. Return your arms to the fully extended position. Stand upright again and move directly into the next move...

Move 2: Front squat
Clean the bar on to the front of your shoulders. Keep you elbows up as you bend your knees forward. Allowing your hips to bend back behind you. Keep your back straight and your knees pointed in the same direction as your feet. Descend until your thighs are just past parallel. Extend your knees and hips upward by driving through your heels until your legs are straight again.

Move 3: Push press
As you reach the top of the front squat use the momentum to press the bar upward until your arms are extended overhead. Lower the bar to the back of your neck.

TIP: If you are a beginner it is advised that become proficient in each of the component moves before trying to complete then in succession as part of the barbell complex.

Move 4: Good mornings
With your back straight and your knees slightly bent, bend your hips and lower your torso forward. Raise your torso back up again until your hips are extended.
Move 5: Squats
Bend your knees forward, while allowing your hips to bend back behind you. Keep your back straight and your knees pointed in the same direction as your feet. Descend until your thighs are just past parallel. Extend your knees and hips upward by driving through your heels until your legs are straight again.

TIP: This intense barbell complex can be used several times per week to help build strength and conditioning.


Muscles targeted

Primary – All major muscles of the back, glutes, legs and shoulders.
Secondary (stabilisers and synergists) – Multiple muscle groups of the middle and lower back including erector muscles, as well as hamstrings, deltoids, biceps brachii, triceps (long head), soleus, gastrocnemius and your core stabilisers.

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