
lundi 16 novembre 2015

Move of the day: Renegade row

What it works...

This complex compound movement incorporates almost the entire body into one exercise. Working your chest, upper and lower back, shoulders, arms and core muscles means that it not only helps to tone and strengthen the entire body, but it is also a great calorie busting move.


Select two dumbbell weights that you are able to comfortably perform a one arm dumbbell row with. Place them on the floor in front of you, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Move down into the extended push up position, gripping the dumbbells.

The movement

From the starting position perform one complete push up. At the top of the movement pull one dumbbell up towards your rib cage, performing a one arm dumbbell row. Once complete perform another push up before executing a row with the opposite arm and returning to the start position. This is one complete rep.

TIP: Keep your back straight and your core muscles contracted throughout the entire movement. 

Muscles targeted

Primary – Pectoralis major and minor, latissimus dorsi and abdominals (obliques and transverse abdominus).
Secondary (stabilisers and synergists) – Tricpes, erector spinae, biceps, anterior deltoids, subscapularis and glutes.

Variations to the move

To make the Renegade row more difficult shorten the distance between your feet, as this creates a smaller base to balance from and incorporates more core stabilisers.
Beginner: Perform the move with your feet positioned wide apart and, as you get stronger, move your feet closer together.
Intermediate: Raise one leg straight up off the floor and execute the move.
Advanced: Place both feet on a Swiss/stability ball and execute the move.
Expert: Place one leg on a Swiss/stability ball, while raising the other leg straight up off the ball.

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