
dimanche 13 décembre 2015

Training » 5 weeks to a slim and fit body: Week 1

Let us take the guesswork out of your training routine for the next 5 weeks!

Based on our very successful DIY Fitness program (where you get to choose your moves) we've constructed a 5 week program that will keep you motivated, moving and realising results.Improve your functional fitness with exercises that use multiple muscle groups and joints, while also increasing muscular endurance, overall strength, balance, posture and agility. Performing the same routine continuously can cause you to hit a physical and mental plateau. By adding variety to your workouts you'll keep your body engaged and adapting, and your mind excited about your workouts. And that's what we''ll do the next 5 weeks! Burn massive amounts of calories and strengthen your entire body with this high intensity workout.

The Beginner Workout
If you're new to functional fitness routines, perform the number of repetitions required. Perform workout 1 and workout 2 within the same week (eg: Monday and Thursday) and add some cardio on the off days. Each workout should be repeated 3-4 rounds .

The Experienced Workout
If you're no stranger to high intensity functional fitness, challenge yourself by adding more reps to each move and performing the routine for 4-6 rounds. Repeat workout 1 & 2 twice during your 1st week (Eg: Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday)

How it works:Keep your rest periods to a minimum. Go straight into the next exercise without pausing and take a brief 1-2 minute rest between rounds to ensure that your heart rate remains elevated. 

We're bringing  you two workouts each week, for the next five weeks....

Week 1  Workout 1 

Week 1  Workout 2 

15 Jump squats10 Goblet squats
30 Walking lunges40 Jump ropes
10 Spiderman push-ups (per side)10 Dips
12 Bent over rows15 High pulls
15 Kettlebell swings8 Renegade rows (per side)
12 Plank push-ups10 Bicycle crunches (per side)


Exercise description.... 

Workout 1

 Jump squats

Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. With an explosive movement jump upwards so that your feet leave the ground. Your hands can either be placed on your sides or outstretched in front of you.

Walking lunges

Step forward into the lunge, dropping the knee of your rear leg to just above the floor. As you push back up take a big stride forward with the rear leg. Ensure that the knee of your front foot does not move past your toes.
Advanced: For a more challenging exercise add dumbbells to the move.

Spiderman push-ups

Assume a standard push-up position on the floor, with your fully arms extended. Extend your legs straight back, your hips raised and your core engaged. From this position start lowering yourself down into the flexed push-up position. Allow your right foot to come off the floor and bring your right knee towards your right elbow. As you extend back up, move your foot back to the starting position. Alternate legs with each rep.

Bent over rows

With your feet positioned shoulder-width apart holding a barbell in front of you, bend over slightly by hinging at the hips. Ensure you keep your back straight. Let the barbell hang directly below you with your arms straight. Perform the row by bringing the barbell up to your chest. Ensure that you keep your back straight, butt out and hamstrings tight.

Kettlebell swings

Set up with the kettlebell just in front of you. Hinge at the hips and push back with your glutes while keeping your back straight. Lower yourself until you're able to grip the kettlebell, with your hips down and back straight and tight. Pull your shoulders back and down by engaging the lats. Pull the kettlebell back hard as your hands go between your legs, until you feel the tension in your hamstrings. Contract your glutes and hamstrings forcefully and allow this to drive your hips forward, extending them in a “pop-like” motion. The momentum from this will “throw” the kettlebell forward, and it is now being guided by your hands and extended arms until shoulder height. Let the kettlebell fall back fast between your legs. As it does, break at the hips again to repeat the movement.

Plank push-up

Start in the plank position, on your forearms. Press yourself up away from the ground one arm at a time, into an extended push-up position, while maintaining a straight back. Return to prone position by lowering yourself down onto one forearm at a time by reversing the order in which you extended your arms. Alternate with the left and right side.

Workout 2

Bicycle crunches

Lie with your back on a mat, hands behind your neck and legs outstretched. Make sure you keep your feet elevated so that they’re not touching the floor. Crunch up, bring your right elbow and your left knee in towards your midsection simultaneously. Return to the starting position by lowering your shoulders back down and extending your leg. Repeat with the left elbow and the right knee.

Renegade rows

Holding dumbbells in each hand, get into a plank position with your feet extended behind you and your arms straight. Keep your back straight and core contracted. Slowly lift one dumbbell upwards and perform a dumbbell row. Return the weight to the mat before executing the rowing movement with the other arm.

Goblet squats

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart holding a kettlebell with both hands close to your chest. Squat down low until your hamstrings are on your calves. Keep your chest and head up and your back straight. At the bottom of the movement, pause and use your elbows to push your knees out. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Advanced: Balance your feet on a bench or box in front of you for added resistance.

Jump ropes/skipping

Perform 40 jump ropes, either jumping with both legs or alternating legs. Perform these at a fast pace.

High pulls

Grip a barbell with a narrow overhand grip. Stand upright, keeping a slight bend in your knees. Start with your arms fully extended downwards, then pull the weight up towards your chin. Keep your back straight and core contracted. As you pull up your elbows should come up and flair out at ear height. Lower the weight back down and repeat.


Sit on a bench or step with your hands next to your thighs. Balance on your arms while slowly moving your bum off the bench or step, while keeping your legs slightly bent. Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body down, keeping your shoulders away from your ears and your elbows parallel to one another. Lower yourself until your arms form a 90 degree angle. Push back up to the starting position.

Week 2 don't miss it ....

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