
mardi 10 novembre 2015

Move of the day: Plyometric single leg split squat

What it works...

This powerful exercise not only develops shapely glutes, quads, inner thighs and calves, but it is also a great way to improve strength for enhanced sporting performance.


Stand upright, with your hands by your sides, and a flat bench behind you. Extend one leg back and place your foot on the top of the bench.

TIP: Ensure that the knee of your front leg points in the same.






The movement:

Squat down by flexing the knee and hip of your front leg. Drop down until the knee of the leg that is positioned on the bench almost makes contact with the floor. Extend the hip and knee of your front leg forcefully to return to the starting position. As you approach the fully extended position, drive up through your planted heel to lift your front foot off the floor. Land softly, regain your balance and move immediately into another rep. Repeat for the required reps on one side before continuing with the opposite leg.

TIP: Watch that your leading knee doesn't fold inward or buckle outward during the extension phase or on landing.

Progression: To make this exercise harder, add weight by holding two dumbbells by your sides as you execute the movement.

Muscles targeted

Primary: Quadriceps
Secondary (stabilisers and synergists): Glutes (maximus, medius and minimus), adductor magnus
soleus, gastrocnemius and hamstrings.

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