
jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Move of the day: Supine Row

What it works...

This functional movement is a great exercise to work a number of different muscle groups, with a focus on the back and its associated musculature. 


Position yourself under a fixed horizontal bar, face-up – the best option is a Smith Machine. Grasp the bar with a wide overhand (pronated) grip and position your heels on a bench or elevated platform. Hang under the bar with your back off the ground and your arms fully extended.

TIP: Hold your body rigid in a plank position throughout the entire movement.  

The movement

Keeping your body straight, pull your chest up to the bar. Hold for a count and then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position, where your arms are once again extended and your shoulders are stretched forward. Repeat for the required number of reps.

Muscles targeted

Primary – General muscles of the back.
Secondary (stabilisers and synergists) – Trapezius, rhomboids, teres major and minor, latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, infraspinatus, biceps, brachioradialis, erector spinae, gluteus maximus and hamstrings, as well as core stabilisers.

Variations to the move

The bar can be moved higher or lower to make the movement easier or more difficult (the lower the bar is, the more difficult the movement becomes).
Change the angle of attack by changing your grip from an overhand (pronated) to a underhand (supinated) grip. This will shift the focus of the movement to the lats and biceps.
For an advanced movement: Execute the movement using a suspension training aid, such as a TRX Trainer or other similar product. This activates more stabiliser muscles during the movement. For an even more challenging exercise, place your heels on a Swiss ball.

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