
jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Move of the day: Kettlebell swing

What it works...

The kettlebell swing is a dynamic move that engages and targets the posterior chain of the body - a group of muscles that runs up the back of your body and includes your calves, hamstrings, glutes and spinal erectors. This is the most important kinetic chain in the body. Various studies also show that the swing improves the coordination of the posterior chain of muscles. This explosive exercise delivers an incredible cardiovascular workout, and also works the anaerobic energy system. As such, it is an incredible tool for fat loss and conditioning. Kettlebells also strengthen your grip.


Set up like you would for a deadlift, with the kettlebell just in front of you. Lower yourself down by hinging at the hips, and pushing back with your glutes, until you're able to grip the kettlebell. Keep your back straight. Pull your shoulders back and down by engaging your lats.

TIP: Work on your hip flexor and hamstring flexibility to get the most out of this exercise. Even though the exercise itself does improve this, unhindered hip flexors and hamstrings will allow more range of motion.

The movement

Pull the kettlebell back hard so that your hands go between your legs, until you feel the tension in your hamstrings. Make sure to keep your body aligned and tight. Keep upper body braced. Contract your glutes and hamstrings forcefully to drive your hips forward, extending them in a “pop-like” motion. The momentum from this will “throw” the kettlebell forward and up to about face height. Let the kettlebell fall back between your legs. As it does, hinge at the hips again to get into the starting position. At its full depth between your legs contract your glutes and hamstrings and extend your hips, starting another swing. Perform for the required reps.

NOTE: This is not a front raise, the force for raising the kettlebell comes from your posterior chain. 

Progression 1:Once you have the mechanics of the move right increase the weight of the kettlebell. Do not go so heavy that you lose the tightness in your upper body or start using your arms to raise the kettlebell.
Progression 2: Perform one-handed swings. The mechanics are exactly the same as the traditional swing except that you are only using one arm, with your free hand floating out to the side. Remember to keep your lat engaged to keep your loaded shoulder stable. Keep your body square – do not tilt or rotate your torso.
Progression 3: Double-kettlebell swing. As the name implies, this is done using two kettlebells, one in each hand. Do not rush the progression if it hinders form.

Muscles targeted

Primary: Biceps femoris, gluteus maximus, erector spinae
Secondary (synergists and stabilisers):
Abdominals, calves, quadriceps, latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, trapezius

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