
jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Move of the day: Twisting sit ups

What it works...

This isolation exercise is great for developing the muscles on the sides of your abdominal region that are responsible for flexion and rotation. They can help to sculpt a more shapely mid-section and also develops better movement patterns for activities that require trunk flexion and rotation.


Lie supine (face up) on the floor, on a mat or a sit-up bench. Bend at your hips to elevate your upper torso. Keep your legs extended and slightly elevated off the floor. Place your hands behind your ears or alongside your head, with your elbows up.

TIP: Do not pull through your hands if they are placed behind your neck.
Not everyone is able to get their elbow to their knee due to biomechanics, body composition or limb length. In these instances the knee should act as a target for your elbow and your range of motion should extend to the point where you feel a stretch in your obliques.

The movement

Flex and twist your waist to one direction while raising your torso by bending your hips. Move your leading elbow towards the knee of your opposite leg. Flex your knee to bring your leg up to meet your elbow. Touch your elbow to your knee before returning to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep. Continue in an alternating fashion.
Progression 1:
This exercise can be made more challenging by placing your hands further up on or beyond your head.
Progression 2: 
This exercise can also be performed on an incline bench or with added weights in each hand for added resistance to make it more challenging.

Muscles targeted

Primary - Obliques
Secondary (synergists and stabilisers) – Iliopsoas, tensor fasciae latae, rectus femoris, sartorius, rectus abdominis and tibialis anterior.

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