
dimanche 17 janvier 2016

Beauty » Get beautiful skin

By ahmed msi

You are what you eat! What you put into your body determines what you look like on the outside. Your skin tells you what is happening in your body. Dryness, acne, puffiness, and bad pigmentation can all be signs of a poor diet.

Your skin indicates how toxic you are and is a good indicator of your body’s overall health. Getting your body’s systems working optimally is crucial to addressing skin problems and nutrition is key.
My tips for a beautiful complexion!
A good diet consisting of fresh, unrefined and unprocessed foods is essential for the health of your entire body. Your skin is an organ and the body and works in an integrated and holistic way. For example, teenagers, due to hormones and the endocrine system, tend to develop bad skin breakouts. If someo
ne has a weak liver it also affects the skin, mood, weight and even blood sugar control. So it is really important to look at the body as a whole.
Drink Water: Water rids the body of toxins and is an essential part of any diet. Our skin is made from cells requiring water to stay hydrated. Water keeps our skin cells clean and reduces bloating.
Essential Fats: Another essential nutrient for healthy skin is essential fats (found in nuts, avocado, seeds and oily fish) – the skins needs a regular supply to stay smooth and supple and also hydrated. The essential fats also regulate hormones which if out of balance, cause skin breakouts.
Antioxidants: Vitamins C, E and A are vital nutrients for the skin which help counteract free radicals and oxidative stress. Free radicals damage and age skin, so it’s important to eat plenty of antioxidants. Eat lots of different coloured fruit and veg such as carrots, butternut, grapes, berries, apples, beetroot and the all the greens!
Also be aware of food allergies: Many skin issues, like acne, are actually an allergic reaction. Many people are intolerant or allergic to dairy and wheat which can also cause the skin to flare up and cause puffiness. Try keep a journal of everything you eat and how it affects your skin in order to pinpoint foods to avoid.
Buy organic produce: The less chemicals in your food the better.
Wear a good sun block to prevent premature ageing: Avoid the harsh sun, and if you’re on the beach or by the pool, wear a hat and protective clothing. Always use sun block and apply generously.
Eat seeds: Fresh seeds – a tablespoon a day, for example pumpkin, sunflower, sesame or flaxseed.
Cold-pressed seed oils or extra virgin olive oil -- a tablespoon, for example with salads, drizzled over vegetables .
Limit your intake of: Alcohol (or avoid it completely), tea and coffee (no more than 2 cups per day), red meat (no more than three times per week). Have fish, organic chicken, game or vegetable sources of protein instead, cheese and milk. Most people are intolerant to dairy and this can cause skin irritations.
Supplement with Spirulina: the skin food - It contains over 100 easily absorbed, whole food nutrients: vitamins, minerals and 58 times more iron than spinach. Marcus Rohrer Spirulina is one of the purest spirulina in the world and contains anti-oxidants, beta-carotene, amino acids, phytonutrients and essential fatty acids. It is also great for hair, immunity and energy! It restores, rejuvenates and repairs the skin and the body from the inside out. It is also rich in iron and magnesium – essential for the body to produce red blood cells which contribute towards healthier looking skin 

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