
dimanche 17 janvier 2016

Success Stories » Teresa - it's never too late to start

Teresa Drake is what many might call a late bloomer - she only started her transformation journey at the age of 37. However, her age hasn't hindered her success in any way.

“By being consistent in what I’m doing my body continues to grow 'younger', and it’s still changing. In fact, at the age of 40 my body is better than what it was at the age of 18. I can therefore say with confidence that it is never too late to start.”

Teresa's desire to conquer the ongoing battle she has had with her weight and appearance, and find inner joy and happiness, started when she became fed up with mainstream media and the unrealistic image of the female form it portrayed.

“I grew tired of all the adverts that featured these beautiful bodies of women who have never struggled with weight problems. In the same vein, I grew tired of personal trainers who offered advice, but had no idea what it felt like to be so unfit and overweight themselves. Reading self-help books that advise readers to 'make peace with your body' or 'learn to love your body' only served to infuriate me even further, particularly as I felt like everything in my life was so out of control. I was overweight and was plagued with medical issues such as a hernia and a spastic colon, and I struggled with PMS for 10 days every month, which meant I would devour just about anything I could get my hands on.”

The combination of these factors led to Teresa's weight gain, which saw her tip the scales at over 120kg. “I was so unhappy, fat and uncomfortable that I was ashamed to show my face in public. When I did go to the beach or into town I would cover myself completely with coats or oversized clothing.”

She recalls that she was constantly in tears due to the disgust she felt when she saw her image in the mirror. Then, one day, while looking at the mirror through teary eyes, Teresa said a prayer. That's when she came to the realisation that her worth wasn't determined by the size of her body. “I knew then that I needed to take control by making a few educated choices, which is when my quest for knowledge began.”

She set out to determine what her body needs to be healthy, and seek the truth about how our bodies really function. “I soon discovered the amazing 'secrets' of fresh fruits and vegetables. The closer to fresh and natural my food, the better it was for me and my family. And then I stumbled on the biggest 'secret' of them all, how modern eating practices, driven by commercial interests, have increased our portion sizes.”

Armed with this new-found knowledge Teresa committed to her second USN 12 Week Body Makeover Challenge. “I had attempted it once before, over six years ago, but back then I expected USN products to work miracles for me – to help me lose weight by simply popping a few Phedra-Cuts and CLAs. However, on my journey to seek greater wisdom I learnt that that wasn't the case, and began to understand more about the role of supplements in a comprehensive transformation plan.”

During her second attempt at the challenge Teresa says she learnt that USN supplements would strengthen, feed and fuel her body to give her the energy and strength she needed to get through her workouts, and remodel her body.

“The combination of the Phedra-Cut, CLA, Diet Fuel Shake, Protein and Whey shakes in the starter pack really work wonderfully while you're doing the challenge and are working strictly according to the USN plan. The protein and whey supplements really made a big difference to me as I don’t eat enough protein because I'm not a meat lover and aren't fond of dairy products and eggs. So when protein comes in this easy and delicious form, you have no excuse to not get enough of it. The BCAA Amino-Lean gave me more endurance and mental clarity during workouts, and also helped with recovery.”

Having successfully used supplements to reach her goal, Teresa says that she now knows that there is no such thing as a quick fix. “Either you change your mindset and change your lifestyle, or you need to make peace with the body you have as it will never change.”

However, according to Teresa, making that lifestyle change wasn't easy. “Managing my time to fit an extra hour of training into my already busy day was a major challenge. Eventually I solved this problem by waking up an hour earlier on those really busy days, to make sure I was able get my weight training session in.”

Another challenge she faced was working through the times when progress slowed, but the fact that she was doing this for her own good - for her health and not just her weight - pulled her through the tough days. “It is no longer just about the number on the scale for me. I've come to realise that if I want to grow old in a healthy body I have to take responsibility for my health and fitness now. There are many temptations and niceties in life that we all want to indulge in, but ultimately you have to take charge of your life and accept the consequences of your choices. You can choose to give in to impulses for that moment of pleasure, but then you'll have to return to a life of unhappiness due to your weight or poor health. If you choose to forgo the unhealthy treats I promise that the rewards of health and a better body are far greater and last a lot longer.”

Teresa adds that the benefits of her new lifestyle also impacted more than just herself. “The greatest reward was the change I saw in my children, and my husband, who did the challenge with me, as well as the amazing change I now see, and continue to live with in my marriage. When I realised that, as a wife and mother, the way I live my life has a direct influence on my family, their lives and their happiness, I knew I had to be a positive role model. And making them part of the experience also showed them that they can complete whatever challenge they start.”

Teresa also says that her husband has much more respect for her now that she has taken control of her life, and her body. “Having my husband do it with me also helped me through those early morning workout sessions. Working out with him, especially the weight training sessions, helped a lot. It’s natural to have those days when you really feel like skipping a workout, so having someone like your husband on your side to motivate you and push you through is priceless.”

Teresa says that he also makes a great wingman at social gatherings, as they now take their own food because eating healthy and staying fit is now an integral part of their lives. “It’s so much easier when you make these changes as a family, and when you see and feel the benefits as a family.”

It is now more than three years since Teresa began her transformation journey, and it still continues to add value to her life. “Taking on really challenging things like the USN Body Makeover Challenge not only changes your body, it also gives you confidence, strength and a sense of pride and belonging. It breaks down weakness and makes you stand up for yourself and what you believe in.”

And the process has opened her eyes to many of the myths out there that lead others in similar positions astray. “If you're willing to learn from the experts like USN when it comes to making the right choices, and you stick to your exercise routine, you'll achieve and maintain your new body. Remember, changing your body and your health is not a short term or temporary process. Similarly, taking more than the prescribed supplement dosage certainly won't accelerate your results. These products also doesn't give you a free pass to eat whatever you want.”

As her parting thoughts, Teresa says: “There is always something new to learn. The moment you think you've arrived is when you set yourself up for failure. And if you want to improve your health don’t run to your doctor, rather see someone who understands nutrition. I did, and I feel great. Lastly, remember that every day is a new opportunity to fix mistakes and build a better future, and a better life. The only question is: How badly do you want it, and what are you willing to do to get it?”

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